and A collection of resources from Kate’s Club
After a tragic event, it can be difficult to manage our emotions, and then talk to children and teens about them as well. We have compiled some resources not only for adults and young adults but also for parents, caregivers, and other professionals who want to talk about tragic events with children.
1. Talking to Children About Tragic Events
A resource by Kate’s Club
Adults sometimes struggle with how to talk with children following tragic events, such as natural disasters, plane crashes, and school shootings. These are guidelines to help in these difficult situations.
2. Psychological First Aid for Children, Parents and Other Caregivers After Natural Disasters
A resource by the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement
This guide offers advice on listening to, protecting and connecting with others after a natural disaster.
3. Talking to Children About Terrorist Attacks and School and Community Shootings in the News
A resource by the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement
This guide offers advice on how to talk to children about tragic events, shootings and terrorist attacks, that they are likely to hear about at school and/or on the news.
4. Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
A resource by the National Association of School Psychologists
High-profile acts of violence, particularly in schools, can confuse and frighten children who may feel in danger or worry that their friends or loved ones are at risk. They will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react. These guidelines will help parents and teachers navigate these conversations.
5. Managing Your Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting
A resource by the American Psychological Association
You may be struggling to understand how a shooting rampage could take place in a community, even a workplace or military base, and why such a terrible thing would happen. These guidelines can help you as an adult manage your distress in the aftermath of a shooting.