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For Schools & Professionals

Hands of different sizes and shades come together in a creative activity, epitomizing the supportive and inclusive community of Kate’s Club.
A nurturing moment at Kate's Club: a caregiver and child are absorbed in a story, showcasing the supportive resources and educational programs available to help children through their grief journey.
For Schools & Professionals

Kate’s Club offers trainings, workshops, and school-based groups to assist teachers, grief professionals, and community organizations with children and families facing grief.

Professional Trainings
Crisis Response
Get Started
Support grieving children, families, and young adults in your school or community.

Kate’s Club

Our community-based program provides education, trainings and advocacy opportunities for schools, youth organizations, and professionals.
Professional Training
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Professional Training

Grief education training is available for school counselors, educators, social workers, medical professionals, and other individuals who work with people who are grieving. Training sessions are available in-person or virtually and can be customized to fit timing and staffing needs.
  • In-person or virtual
  • Customizable by topic and length of time
  • Topics may include student grief support, young adult grief support, complicated grief, suicide loss, and more
For more information on programs for schools & professionals, contact:
Lane Pease Hendricks
Director of Education & Innovative Programs
A colorful artwork called the "Eagle Tree" with handprints and heartwarming messages illustrates the creative and expressive activities at Kate's Club, designed to help young members communicate and process their feelings of loss.A paper handprint at Kate’s Club with a heartfelt reminder to 'Listen to memories and stories,' symbolizing their mission of shared healing.Children engaged in a creative workshop at Kate's Club, a space where the joy of community and the strength to grieve go hand in hand.Kate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionals

Community Grief Groups

Closed support groups for kids and teens who have experienced the death of anyone close to them. These weekly meetings happen on-site at schools, juvenile courts, and other youth-serving organizations.
  • 6 to 10 weeks in length
  • Provided on-site at youth-serving organizations
  • Led by a trained Kate's Club facilitator
For more information on programs for schools & professionals, contact:
Lane Pease Hendricks
Director of Education & Innovative Programs
A colorful artwork called the "Eagle Tree" with handprints and heartwarming messages illustrates the creative and expressive activities at Kate's Club, designed to help young members communicate and process their feelings of loss.A paper handprint at Kate’s Club with a heartfelt reminder to 'Listen to memories and stories,' symbolizing their mission of shared healing.Children engaged in a creative workshop at Kate's Club, a space where the joy of community and the strength to grieve go hand in hand.Kate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionals

Classroom Grief Education Sessions

A one-time, 45-minute program offered to educate children and teens about grief and loss, normalize conversations around grief, and promote SEL. For this session, the classroom does not have to have experienced a recent death.
  • Provided in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms
  • Invites students to reflect and share about emotions, empathy, respect, and relationship building
  • Led by a trained Kate's Club team member
For more information on programs for schools & professionals, contact:
Lane Pease Hendricks
Director of Education & Innovative Programs
A colorful artwork called the "Eagle Tree" with handprints and heartwarming messages illustrates the creative and expressive activities at Kate's Club, designed to help young members communicate and process their feelings of loss.A paper handprint at Kate’s Club with a heartfelt reminder to 'Listen to memories and stories,' symbolizing their mission of shared healing.Children engaged in a creative workshop at Kate's Club, a space where the joy of community and the strength to grieve go hand in hand.Kate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionals

Crisis Response & Community Care

Kate's Club can respond with resources, consultation, and programming to assist schools and community organizations following a death within their community.
  • In-person or virtual
  • Customizable by topic and length of time
  • Topics may include student grief support, young adult grief support, complicated grief, suicide loss, and more
For more information on programs for schools & professionals, contact:
Lane Pease Hendricks
Director of Education & Innovative Programs
A colorful artwork called the "Eagle Tree" with handprints and heartwarming messages illustrates the creative and expressive activities at Kate's Club, designed to help young members communicate and process their feelings of loss.A paper handprint at Kate’s Club with a heartfelt reminder to 'Listen to memories and stories,' symbolizing their mission of shared healing.Children engaged in a creative workshop at Kate's Club, a space where the joy of community and the strength to grieve go hand in hand.Kate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionals

Parent and Caregiver Workshops

Grief education is available for schools and organizations to offer to parents, caregivers, and other supporters of grieving children, teens, and young adults.
  • In-person or virtual
  • Customizable by topic and length of time
  • Topics can include grief support at different ages; how to support a grieving child, teen, or young adult while you are also grieving; building resilience; and more
For more information on programs for schools & professionals, contact:
Lane Pease Hendricks
Director of Education & Innovative Programs
A colorful artwork called the "Eagle Tree" with handprints and heartwarming messages illustrates the creative and expressive activities at Kate's Club, designed to help young members communicate and process their feelings of loss.A paper handprint at Kate’s Club with a heartfelt reminder to 'Listen to memories and stories,' symbolizing their mission of shared healing.Children engaged in a creative workshop at Kate's Club, a space where the joy of community and the strength to grieve go hand in hand.Kate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionalsKate's Community for schools and professionals

Virtual Programs

Take advantage of Kate's Club programming regardless of time or distance through virtual grief support sessions and resources. Learn more about virtual options of our programmings when you get in touch with our team.
Professional Trainings
Crisis Response & Community Care
School-Based Training Workshops

Refer a Family

We welcome teachers, counselors and other professionals to refer families to Kate's Club programs. Please inform the family that you are referring them, then fill out this form to provide us with additional information.
Family Referral Form
Learn More About Our Kids & Teens Programs

Join the Referral Network

Do you offer a service that Kate's Club families might need? Fill out the form below, and you may be added to our list of trusted partners working to meet the clinical needs of our members.
Professional Referral Form
School Grief Group Parent

"Today my kiddos started an amazing grief group at school through Kate’s Club. They are looking forward to learning how to deal with this great loss and keep [their friend’s] memory alive. We are so grateful that our school has this amazing support."

School Counselor

"The opportunity to participate in grief counseling is dependent on so many factors; access to insurance, transportation and time. Having Kate’s Club at our school provides a critical service that our students may not otherwise be able to access. They have made a huge difference in the personal and academic growth of our students."

School Counselor

"Kate’s Club has been a wonderful, healing experience for the students. It provides them an opportunity to talk about their feelings, have a sense of community, and feel supported by peers with common experiences."

A joyful embrace between two smiling individuals, symbolizing the supportive community at Kate’s Club.

Kate’s Hub

Join our online community and learn, share, and connect with others.
Launch Kate’s Hub


Become a Kate's Club "Buddy" or bring your group to experience one of the most immersive volunteer opportunities in Georgia.
Learn More About Volunteering
Three happy coworkers stand together. They show support for those grieving, reminding them they're not alone. Join us in creating a nationwide community to break the stigma around grief.