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Why Member-Turned-Buddy Volunteer Jordan Walks in Memory Walk

October 16, 2024
Kate's Club
Why Member-Turned-Buddy Volunteer Jordan Walks in Memory Walk
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Some of you may already know me, but let me introduce myself: my name is Jordan Karem, and I’m a proud Kate’s Club member turned Buddy! My journey with Kate’s Club began in 2011, after my dad passed away following a long battle with Stage Four lung cancer. I became an active member, participating in as many programs as I could. From Clubhouse days to H.U.G.S., Camp Good Mourning, and one of my favorites, The Kate’s Club Memory Walk, each experience has been so meaningful to me. In fact, The Memory Walk is among one of the events my mom and I continue to attend as participants! Participating in these events as a Buddy, I am learning how I have a unique perspective of not only seeing these events through the eyes of a kid, but also as an adult volunteer.

Memory Walk as a Kate's Club member

My first Memory Walk was also the inaugural event for the organization; it was held on a crisp, spring day in May 2012 at Coan Park in Kirkwood. I was extremely nervous—something those of you who knew me back then can likely attest to. However, as soon as I approached the pavilion where everyone was gathering, I was greeted by music, dancing, and the familiar faces of fellow members and buddies!

Daughter and mom smiling at the camera holding signs in honor of Saber or dad who is pictured smiling
Jordan and her mom at the first Memory walk in 2012

We started the event just as we do today, by creating a placard in honor of my dad. As my mom and I decorated our boards, we shared memories—some we both recalled, others we had forgotten—but the atmosphere of remembrance helped jog our memories. Once everyone’s placards were complete, we began our walk around the park. The walk included several activities, such as finding someone you had never met and sharing your story as you walk together. I’ve never been great at meeting new people, but at Kate’s Club, it’s always easier because we share something in common—something that most people in my daily life cannot truly relate to.

Sharing your grief story and grief journey at Memory Walk

Fast forward to my first Memory Walk back as a Buddy in 2022. Kate’s Club had upgraded to a bigger park, but the essence of the event remained the same. This time, I was nervous for a whole new reason—I had been asked to speak. Contrary to what my degree in Theatre might suggest, I’ve always been pretty shy and quiet, but Kate’s Club had given me several opportunities to speak publicly when I was a member (for which I am incredibly grateful).

Recently, I was talking with my mom about the time I spoke at the Memory Walk in 2013, and she recalled Debra telling her she was shocked I managed to get up there and speak. I’ve heard that comment many times throughout my life, and I’ve never been able to explain it, except to say that Kate’s Club time and time again has shown me I am never alone in my grief, and I want everyone else to feel that, too.

A teen girl with red hair holding a microphone at a podium in front of a blue wall
Jordan speaking at Memory Walk in 2013

That said, it had been a few years since I last spoke publicly about my grief journey, and once again, I found myself feeling nervous. However, those nerves began to dissipate as soon as I heard the music, saw the dancing, and recognized familiar faces—one of whom was one of my childhood Buddies, Emily Lieberman. It was such a heartwarming reunion; the last time I saw her, I was probably 17, and now I was a 23-year-old young woman! I immediately confided in her about my nerves, and I’ll never forget what she told me: “Just speak from the heart, and you’ll be fine!” It was such simple advice, yet so true, and that’s exactly what I did.

A Walk to Belong: 2024 Kate's Club Memory Walk

This all brings us to last week when I was asked to write a letter encouraging you to participate in Memory Walk this year. If sharing my experiences hasn’t persuaded you yet, I’ll leave you with this:

One thing that continually amazes me about Kate’s Club—and a big reason why I keep coming back—is the organization’s remarkable ability to transform grief, often seen as ugly and scary, into something that is encouraged, shared, and supported. The foundation of this transformation lies in the strong community that Kate’s Club has built, and in my opinion, there’s no better display of that community than at Memory Walk. As I’ve learned from participating as both a member and as a Buddy, it’s not just an opportunity for us to support the kids, but to support each other as well.

Mom and adult daughter sitting at a table and holding signs in honor of Saber or dad who is pictured
Jordan and her mom at Memory Walk in 2022

As we approach November 10th, I highly encourage you to register for the Memory Walk. If you can’t participate this year, please consider donating to sponsor a member and/or their guardian to attend the Memory Walk free of charge!

I hope to see you there!

With a tremendous amount of love,

Jordan Karem
Kate’s Club Buddy

Register to walk and support grievers or your grief

Memory Walk is a Kate’s Club event that allows children, families, and young adults to honor and walk in memory of people in their lives who died, surrounded by a community of support. On Sunday, November 10 at 10:30 a.m. our community will walk at the Blackburn Park Pavilion in Brookhaven, GA. Learn more and register now at

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