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Experiencing the loss of a loved one can be a life-altering event, especially for children. I joined Kate’s Club in August 2024, which was six months after my mom passed away. My dad and I found Kate’s Club through my freshman year school counselor, who wanted the best for me. Being involved in Kate's Club made me feel like I have a sense of belonging while I can share my thoughts and feelings about my mom with others who understand what I am going through. I never felt able to talk about my mom to friends because none of them had experienced losing a parent. Many people would give me advice and tell me, “Things will get better,” or “Everything will be okay,” but in reality, it didn't feel like it at all. It felt like my world just kept crashing down into millions of pieces. Kate's Club began to feel like a second home to me because it is a unique and safe environment to talk about how I am feeling with other grieving children without having all eyes judging me. Group activities, discussions, and social events help young people ease their minds off of the stress, anger, anxiety, or whatever other emotions they feel towards their person, help them realize that they are not alone, and help them reduce feelings of isolation.

I have learned not only one specific life lesson within Kate's Club but five. One of the main specific life lessons that I have learned is The Power of Shared Experiences. Grief can feel isolating, especially for young people. Kate’s Club emphasizes that sharing experiences with others who understand can be incredibly healing and validating. Furthermore, within Athens Kate's Club, I realized that I am the oldest kid there, but seeing how multiple younger kids who have lost their special person at the same age I had mine, broke my heart. It made me appreciate my time with my mom and how I am not alone in this situation.
On the other hand, I moreover feel like an older sister to those children who have lost their special person while at Kate's Club sessions. With that being said, the other four specific lessons I have learned through Kate's Club are Healthy Emotional Expression, Coping Skills to Help with Grief, Resilience, and Growth Through Loss, and lastly, The Value of Community Support. These five helped me to realize that I am not alone in this grief situation and that helping manage my emotions in a safe environment helps me not only grow but develop as a teen.

Kate’s Club offers a range of programs that go beyond regular and basic support groups which provides an emotional atmosphere for young people. Activities like sharing your deceased person who has passed, art therapy, guided discussions, and fun and engaging outings encourage individuals to express their feelings in a safe, secure, and constructive manner, which helps in managing our grief. For many children like me, Kate’s Club represents a safe space for people to interact with others who have faced similar losses. Many gain the ability to have confidence in their ability to handle their difficult and unsure emotions. At Kate's Club, we come together as one, no matter what our differences are, we are like a second family who understands one another. The self-assurance positively impacts other areas of their lives which helps them to remain strong and continue to strive and make their person proud.
As I continue coming to Kate's Club, I hope to ensure new members feel safe and welcomed and not only feel alone but to open up to others. Everyone at Kate's Club is welcoming and non-judgmental, which ensures a reassuring and warm atmosphere for more sessions to come.